Discover how to attract dream clients, make consistent income & build a business you ACTUALLY love! 

(without being strapped to your computer 24/7)

The Client Accelerator™ will reopen August 15th 2024

 "I’m just so grateful for Rebecca and a program that actually works. Her content is so thought out and doesn’t have missing pieces that leave you thinking how do I put this all together. I have paid tons for other programs that got me nowhere. I finally see all the pieces fitting together & my resilience paying off! "  - Gina DeAngelis

Here's The Harsh Truth

Finding clients online is not as simple as creating a website, posting a few times on social media and hoping for the best. Spoiler alert: it involves a more comprehensive strategy than that.

Here's what I know...

You're exhausted from watching hundreds of YouTube videos trying to piece together a marketing strategy from a bunch of so called gurus.

You feel defeated after scrolling through your competitors Instagram feed in the name of “market research” only to feel discouraged that you will never be as successful as they are.

You're overwhelmed by all the tips, tactics and advice out there and you just want a clear strategy from someone who actually knows how to bring in consistent leads for their online business.

You're frustrated because you’ve done all the things you thought you were supposed to do, but you still feel lost.

You're confused about the first or next step you are supposed to take to get your business off the ground and start making money.

You believe if you just have one more certification you will finally be "expert enough" to start your business

Fear of failure, mom guilt, and the worry you will not be able to get your clients results has kept you stuck 
far too long.

That is why you need to have the right marketing strategy for your online business or you will constantly be trowing spaghetti at the wall and praying something sticks.  
And the reality is...
 no clients = no business! 


Everything you learn in this program is going to help you quickly move the needle.

 Your business can be light and simple and massively profitable.  

You can love the business you are building and put your head on the pillow every night feeling proud of the impact you are making in the lives of your clients...and for your family.  

You can do this. Right now. 

Imagine how would it feel to have...

A clear step by step plan to follow and see results fast.  I don't want you to waste years (yes, years) like I did trying to figure out how to build your business and find clients online.

A clearly defined niche so you know exactly who you serve & the problem they need solving.  Many of my clients think they are clear on this until they go through my training (hint: your marketing will become so easy when you have identified your client niche!)

An offer that is created specifically for your perfect future client and the problem they need solved so you can give them the transformation they desire and in turn they sing your praises to everyone they know (can you say referrals?  Yeah!!!)

A refined brand & messaging that will attract the right audience to your offer and get them to raise their hands and say take my money now please!

A simple pricing package that not only helps you reach your income goals (no more hourly jobs!) but also makes your clients excited to work with you because they will understand the value you provide.

A confident content strategy that will help you get seen by your perfect future clients and nurture them through automated email sequences so you can sell your offers and fill up your calendar without being strapped to your laptop 24/7.

Sound Too Good To Be True?
It's Actually A Reality That Is Closer Than You Think.

Hi there!  I'm Rebecca, business & marketing strategist and the mentor who is going to help you take your business to the next level!

When I started out as a new entrepreneur in 2003, I had no idea what I was doing and at the time I didn't have experience building a business or finding clients. 

I spent hours researching the best ways to find clients, how to build a solid foundation for growth, and how to create and package offers that would bring in revenue.

It was exhausting and I often thought if I had a genie in a bottle to grant me one magic wish it would be that I would finally just figure out this whole entrepreneur thing and start making money.   

After several years (yes years!) of trying to figure out how to build a service based business, I finally developed a simple system that would generate consistent clients and set me on the path to steady income.  I made a promise to myself that when the time was right I would I make it my mission to teach other women my methods so they could fast track their way to success.

Well now is the time, and that is exactly what The Client Accelerator is about....  

I may not be a genie in a bottle but I'm the next best thing because in this program I'm going to give you a clearly laid out, step-by-step roadmap that will show you, exactly what to do and in what order, to get where you want to be.  Plus I'll provide you with accountability, support and guidance along the way.

On second thought...this is way better than a genie in a bottle 😄


The Client Accelerator


 "Working with Rebecca has made a world of difference in my business! Prior to utilizing her services, I struggled with how to reach my ideal customer and create content my customers would resonate with. I didn’t have a clear direction of the next steps I should take to grow my business. She gently pushed me out of my comfort zone and created a solid plan for my business that has not only helped me reach more customers and increase sales, but has also helped me get valuable time back to work on the parts of my business I love.

Bonnie D. - Consultant


You get everything you need to quickly build your reputation as the go-to expert in your field and become a fully booked online-SERVICE PROVIDER, COACH OR CONSULTANT FAST

This is not another DIY course or one-off marketing tactic.  This is a high-touch, complete A to Z transformation for your business.  The strategies you learn in this program will help you build a simple and profitable business, allowing you to reach consistent $10k months and beyond!

Through the 4 stages of The Client Accelerator Framework you will be guided step by step how to grow a simple and profitable business, attract dream clients, and achieve consistent income (and freedom!)

STAGE 1: Blueprint 

This stage is all about laying the foundation for six figure business success.  By completing stage 1 will you establish your niche, irresistible offer, framework & pricing model.  Without the foundations,  your business will not grow.

In stage 1 you will:

  • Determine your aligned niche and who are the dream clients you want to serve.  This is the first step in building a simple to run business that completely lights you up!
  • Create your irresistible (easy yes!) offer that your clients can't resist because it solves their biggest problem.
  • Learn how to create your unique framework for delivering your clients results and establish yourself at the authority in your industry.
  • Learn how to use the Profitable Pricing Method™ and The Six Figure Plan™ for pricing your offers to reach your income goals while making your clients feel like they are getting the value of a lifetime

STAGE 2: Simple Sales

9 out of 10 service providers would say they don't like to sell. But let’s face it, if you don’t sell you don’t have a business - you just have a hobby. In this stage I will teach you my four part Simple Sales Framework that will help you convey your unique selling proposition and position your offer as the only solution your prospect needs!  

In stage 2 you will learn:

  • How to overcome your fear of selling and adopt a selling mindset
  • The Simple Sales Flow Method™ for selling your offers with ease
  • How to identify and handle sales objections
  • How to leverage the power of referrals to do the selling for you
  • How to understand your sales conversion rates to you can predict your monthly income

STAGE 3: Magnetic Marketing

Content marketing is a crucial aspect of your business as your content is what will help your ideal customer relate to you. Good content at its core will draw people to you like a magnet, make them invest in your business, and help build the “know like and trust factor” that will ultimately turn someone from just a follower to a raving fan (aka a perfect client).

  • How to build an authentic brand and attracts your ideal clients
  • How to gain visibility and grow your audience with dream clients
  • How to craft messaging that builds trust and authority with the high-intent buyers in your audience who are ready for your offer
  • How to identify which social media platform your ideal client is hanging out on and leverage that platform to build relationships with your audience

STAGE 4: Repeatable Revenue

If you have ever heard you need a funnel but you had no idea what it is or where you get one, then this phase is going to be for you. You will learn how to build a simple sales funnel and use a conversion magnet to begin filling the top of that funnel. This will take your new prospects on a journey of nurturing them from a cold prospect (not knowing you) to a hot lead (booking a discovery call or buying your offer). 

  • Create a conversion lead magnet to begin building your email list
  • Learn how to leverage email marketing to sell your offers
  • Create a simple automated lead generation funnel
  • Build an email nurture system to create Repeatable Revenue in your business
  • Set up an automated lead generation system to take interested client prospects through your sales funnel from Attention, to Interest, to Desire, and — finally — to Action

The Assets

Pre-Recorded "Netflix Style" Trainings

8 modules that provide you with the step-by-step roadmap to teach you strategies that you will use to create a comprehensive marketing & sales plan unique to your business.

Exclusive Mastermind Community

 There is no reason to feel alone as you are building your business and through this community you will experience an amazing group of women who  help one another answer questions, give feedback, celebrate  wins, and help one another troubleshoot through the tough moments as well.

Business Template  Library

A comprehensive template library with scripts, workbooks, templates, swipe files, social media files, email templates, contracts, client onboarding documents (and so much more) so you don't have to create your business assets from scratch. This will save you hours!

 Live Coaching Calls

Live coaching calls are available for current students in the program. During these calls you may ask questions, get feedback on your work, and get hotseat coaching to help you move forward in your business.


10x Your Content creation with chatgpt ($47 value)

Are you struggling to write content that converts your audience members to clients? In this training, we dive into the power of using ChatGPT to create conversion content for social media, websites, and email marketing.  Through this workshop recording plus bonus materials you will learn how to leverage the power of AI to not only create content quickly saving time and energy, but also how to create a personal GPT and train it to create content that sounds just like you!  No more generic, robot sounding copy!  

Website In A Week ($100 Value)

In this self paced DIY course you will learn how to create a client attracting website on the platform of your choice.  With complete video tutorials, swipe files, and templates you will have everything you need to get your website up and running quickly.

Social Media Success Bundle ($197 Value)

Content is queen and this bundle has everything you need to succeed on social media.  With over 15 resources including a full content masterclass, content repurposing guide, done for your captions, planners, and done for you templates you will be able to create content that converts quickly with ease.

Real results that speak for themselves...

Discover how our students have implemented what they have learned in The Client Accelerator to get unstuck, make more progress in less time and start signing clients!

Before this program I had spent two years trying to build my coaching business.  Now using Rebecca's program I was able to gain clarity, break through mindset issues, and now I have an offer out there. Having a clear path and a guide made that possible! - Gina

I had taken many courses before but I only got bits and pieces of how to market my business but I couldn't figure out how to put them together.  The Client Accelerator gave me all of the pieces and put them together in a step by step process that helped me build my confidence and launch my business. - Claudia

Before The Client Accelerator I felt like my business was just an expensive hobby.  I lacked direction and was all over the place.  Now I know exactly what to do and how to execute to move my business forward- Leslie

When I signed up for The Client Accelerator I was really struggling with my marketing and finding clients online.   I've learned so much and the accountability really helped.  Rebecca over delivers and this has been an amazing experience! - Rebecca

This is the foundation I needed to get my business off the ground.  I'm now working with two clients and I'm confident this course is what set me on the path to success! - Amy

You really helped me with my mindset and getting clear around my messaging and the transformation I provide- Nikki

 "Rebecca is a wealth of business and marketing knowledge! Her content is indispensable and has provided me with valuable resources for my business. As a busy mom, it’s important to me to have a business that is simple to run and fits within my busy lifestyle. Her casual and fun coaching style has helped me learn ways to improve my business and streamline my processes to achieve that. My business would not be where it is today without her expertise." 

Susan F. - Author

If you want to learn how to grow a simple and profitable service based or coaching business then The Client Accelerator™ is for you!

  • Even if you are just starting out
  • Even if you don't know how your are going to replace your corporate income, yet
  • Even if you don't have a website or offer created, yet
  • Even if you haven't had any paying clients, yet
  • Even if you've been working with clients for a while but not bringing in consistent income, yet
  • Even if you feel like you are not ready.....hint, you'll never feel ready!

What Types of Online business
will this work for?

Virtual Assistants




Course Creators

Graphic / Web Designers

Social Media / Ads Managers

Health & Wellness Coaches

Copy Writers

SEO Experts

Systems / Tech Pros.

Online Business Managers

Podcast Managers

Online Business Manager

Your Client Centered Business!

The marketing foundations in this program will work for you no matter what online industry you are in as long
as you work with clients either in a one on one capacity or in a group setting.  

 "As a freshly graduated Health Coach, I needed a lot of help setting up my online business.  I had really no idea where to begin. Rebecca helped me sort through my ideas and helped me focus, also helped me through some mindset barriers. Starting anything new can be overwhelming and I’m happy that Rebecca Coached me through the foundation of my business."

Erica D. - Health & Wellness Coach


The Client Accelerator

 and get started attracting your perfect future clients and hit those consistent 5k & 10K Months!

Choose your investment option below to begin!

 "Rebecca's helped me to market, organize and streamline my online business. She has brought consistency and automation to help free up time to focus on what I truly love to do. She helped me with email marketing and my social media platforms. Our calls are extremely productive and I always leave fired up and ready to tackle big things. She has been an incredible blessing! I am looking forward to continuing to work with her.." 

Kari C. -
Fitness Coach


This program is designed with the early stage entrepreneur in mind, however, you should have your business idea in place.  If you do not yet have a business idea then check out my Passion To Profit mini course which will help you identify the passions, skills and talents you have that can be turned into a profitable business.

1.  8 pre recorded training modules that you can access anytime
2.  Coaching calls and hot seat sessions 

3.  An extensive library of templates, swipe files, and tools to save you time and money so you don't have to create everything from scratch or hire a designer to help you
5.  Private 1-1 daily coaching hotline (VIP students only)
6.  Private mastermind community to network and connect with other like-minded entrepreneurs
7.  Unlimited access to training materials and future updates
8.  Additional bonuses and materials to support your business journey 

While we encourage you to attend the coaching sessions live when your schedule allows, live attendance is not a requirement for success in our program. Each live coaching session will be recorded, and available for you to watch at your convenience.  You also have an opportunity to get your questions answered in our mastermind community.

Success in this program requires that you take consistent, focused action, that you actually show up, and that you take the time to apply what you are learning and keep moving forward. The bottom line is that you can’t expect The Client Accelerator to magically work for you. You need to do the work. Show up for live coaching sessions. Complete your assignments. Ask questions. Apply what you are learning to your business. That being said, I am completely dedicated to your success—and that means doing whatever I can to support you along the way. If you still don’t find what you’re looking for, shoot me an email—I’m happy to help you find the answers.

I get it, you're a busy woman and your plate is full!! This program is designed with that in mind and has been created to provide you with the fastest, simplest route possible to success.  With that said other factors go into place on the time needed to complete the program. These factors include which stage of the program you are currently working on, how quick you make decisions and implement what you are learning, and the personal speed at which you learn.  

I'm glad you asked!  While the base program offers a ton of support, coaching opportunities, and resources sometimes you need a little extra accountability in your business.  With this in mind I have created The Client Accelerator Hotline. This daily coaching hotline is available to you on demand M-F, 9am-5pm CST.  With the hotline you are able to ask a quick question and get real time feedback.  Note this option is only for VIP students only.  Please see program pricing and options for more details.

Live coaching sessions will be hosted on Zoom. Recordings and all other program materials will be delivered digitally through a password-protected client-only site. As soon as you enroll, you’ll be emailed your login information with a username and password.

Before signing up for The Client Accelerator please do your research and take the time needed to make a thoughtful purchase.  This is not a cancel anytime membership.  Your commitment to the program will get you results and a commitment mindset is what you should have to see the most success in your business.  With that said, if you join the program, take a look around and decide within SEVEN DAYS that the program is not for you you may cancel for a full refund (minus processing fees of 3%).  After the 7 days no refunds will be offered and you will be expected to fulfill your financial commitment.

It's Decision Time.

You can keep struggling and stay stuck.  Or you can join The Client Accelerator where you will get confident in your offer, build authority in your industry and begin filling your funnel with qualified leads each and every day!