Hey There! I'm Rebecca

 and helping experts build & scale their online business is my jam! 

In the last 20 years as a business and marketing expert I have...

Built 3 successful businesses

Have impacted thousands of entrepreneurs through courses, community & content

Helped companies and small business owners generate millions in revenue through strategic marketing plans

And built my business around my family so I could have the best of both worlds - a thriving business while being a present mom.

But it wasn't all sunshine and roses.  I have also shed a lot of tears, made lots of mistakes, and learned a ton of lessons along the way! Entrepreneurship is a wild ride!

Building a business isn't easy,

but I can help you simplify it!

How it all began in case your interested...

My first business was born out of the determination to take control of my future, and to never have to put my child in daycare again.

 In October of 2003, I was laid off of my job after just returning from maternity leave.  I will never forget that moment when I was called into my bosses office and told that in two weeks I would no longer have a job.  

I remember sitting there completely dumbfounded.  There was no warning, and no indication it was coming.  I just sat there in a complete fog, not saying a word.  It was like I was having an outer body experience.  This went on for what seemed like forever until I snapped back into reality and realized CRAP!  I am  jobless and I have a newborn at home...oh yeah and I am drowning in debt.  At that moment I burst into tears, left the building and got in my car to drive home.  

It was on my drive home when I had an epiphany.  I remember thinking I never want to depend on someone else for my livelihood again.  I wanted to be in control of my future, not leave it in the hands of someone else.  I wasn’t sure at the moment what that looked like but I just knew in my heart I didn’t want to look for another job. 

Fast forward a few weeks, my job had ended and I was faced with trying to figure out what I was going to do. I applied for a few jobs, however, I really hated the thought of putting my newborn back into daycare and being away from him so much.

I looked into some MLM and direct sales companies but I had tried those before without much success.

I started to consider what it would look like to start my own business. I had a lot of great experience from my previous jobs that would allow me to serve clients well and so I thought why not just start my own consulting firm! My husband and I decided I would give it 6 months to see if I could make some income and if not then I would look for a full time job.

I had no idea what I was doing, but with a brand new baby and a mountain of debt I had to figure it out quickly. It was a rocky start.

Google wasn’t what it is today, blogs were not really a thing yet, and YouTube hadn’t even been invented (did I just age myself??) I didn’t let that stop me though and every morning I would get up, pack the diaper bag, load the baby into the stroller and head to the library where I would spend the day devouring business books and learning everything I could about how to start a business.

That was 17 years ago and in that time I have been able to build not one- but three successful online businesses in both the ecommerce and service based industries.   

While these three businesses all differed greatly, they had one thing in common that made them successful.

A simple, yet very effective marketing strategy.

In essence, I figured out how to sell my products and services to people who wanted to buy them at the exact time they needed them. If it sounds basic that's because it is. But this realization is everything.

Owning a business means you have to be able to market your business to sell your products and services. There's no way around it. If you aren’t selling something then you just have a hobby.

You may assume I’m naturally gifted at selling and marketing and that's why I have been successful, but it's not the case. Over the years, I have learned the skill of finding the perfect clients and customers (the people who wanted what I have) and developed a framework that I could just repeat over and over.

I'll teach it to you, too.

It's not complicated. In fact, you'll realize it's really fun to give people exactly what they want and its the best way to build a profitable business!

While the day I was laid off was one of the scariest days of my life, I can look back now with such appreciation for that life changing moment.

Without losing my job I may never have taken the leap to starting my own business and experience the joy of being an entrepreneur.  

Being a small business owner has allowed me to pay off debt, take vacations, and generate an income that will allow me to pay cash for my kids to attend college in a few years.

Most importantly it has allowed me the freedom and flexibility to stay home with my three boys and be available for the most important parts of their lives. I never had to choose between work and a soccer game, classroom party, or snuggling my boys when they were home sick from school. 

Sound Too Good To Be True?

It’s not and this can be your story too! Here’s what I know for sure… If I can do it...so can you! Running a successful online business and experiencing this kind of freedom is possible and is not as hard as you think.

In fact it can be simple! Click below to get all the deets on how we can work together to make that a reality for you!